Friday, September 10, 2010


The Signing machine!:

"Decide to sign and sign to decide" is a part of Decision Making process of the Management. Technology or No Technology, the Management expression is crystallized into signing! One signature rolls back the happenings into history and history into happenings!

Signing is an ambition that is inversely proportional to the experience/age. The more you want to sign with fewer opportunities to sign and the less you want to sign with more opportunities to sign.

Signing is the last word in the decision. Sign when your acumen testifies/justifies your signature. Once signed, the speculation concludes and clarity prevails. Though signing is a small initiative physically and figuratively, it is a testimony to trust and the fabric of faith.

Your signature need not be historic, but forms the part of your Corporate/Business history.

Let's see the varieties of signatures that we come across during the day:

It is common in all the Decision making processes that varieties of signatures are made on a daily basis by the Business/Corporate/Bureaucratic representatives. Independent of the field, a common ground forms the eye of the signature!


Though no elaborate codification is expected to be available on this subject, empirical evidence has brought in a few minimum common rules/strategies.

See and Sign: Look before you leap. In most of the critical situations, this policy will be valid to all those who wish to end the imbroglio. This signature, should bring about a well tailored happening/change of event/a timely decision to cause well being or otherwise. This underlines the fact that Signing does not bring about good events only! Like an elephant, the signature should be with foresight! Powerful and firm. Epoch-making is always a big happening. Elephant represents not BIG, but something HUGE.

Sign and See: Look back eventful decisions, with confidence and courage. Rescan before you let the cat out of the bag! This policy holds good for unanimous expectations and reactions where the consensus is under public knowledge. Signature is only an attestation! Like an eagle, spotting the prey from at a distance, attack your decision with an eagle's dare, determination and focus.

Never See: In the age of supersonics, the Never See situation should be under an emergency. Your signature is just awaited and all the other happenings (preceding and succeeding) are of a formality! But like a bat, the ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) should be activated and the event is sensed before the actual signing process. The bat is upside down and its moves are related to sound waves. The Bat never sees but it takes a feel!

Never Sign: The owl never winks! Take an owl's stand and never sign. In this event, more than your desire to sign, your determination not to sign gives you the courage to say NO. But a word of caution: Never go back on this decision, once expressed or conveyed.

Whatever be the strategy for signing the decisions, as a routine signatory, you need to look for some safeguards in strategies:

1. Sign after your mind decides
2. Sign clearly, with date
3. Keep a constant signature & style (as it is unique to an individual)
4. Never Sign in a situation of pressure/coercion
5. Do not sign blank paper or stamped agreement/document
6. Do not sign for past
7. Do not sign for future date(except perhaps your Post dated cheques)
8. Do not sign on the basis of emotions
9. Once signed, no looking back!
10. Do not delay your signing as it leads to delalyed/miscarried justice

As you sign, you own your decision. Be professional and pioneering in signing. Where you have to sign : Sign or else : Resign!*

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