Thursday, September 9, 2010



POLICING as a concept is undergoing a tremendous change around the globe. In India, some States have overtaken International Standards in Policing Methods, while rest of the other places are yet to realize the need.

Though Goa is considered a small state, yet we have failed to project the vastness and variance in the terrains and also the intra distances and the percentage of unreachable remote areas as compared to majority of the other States except the Hill States and North East Areas. Goa deserves a mightier Police force; but not to fill the Police Stations!

The geography and contours have not changed much; but crimes and investigation patterns have certainly undergone a change to unbelievable levels. Though the fundamentals of policing remain intact, the edifice built upon needs a new look to match and support the requirements of the current century and to bridge the future.

Modern Policing is concerned more on Crime Management than on vigilance. Policing, Today, could be segmented into localized and centralized activities. Presently, many of the police activities reflect inherent outsourcing qualities. Integration of various activities such as Intelligence, Investigation, Traffic, General Education aims to co ordinate with various local agencies including NGO’s directly or indirectly involved in community policing. Law and Order & Traffic is a localized activity with a Central monitoring.

This is an indication that we need to branch off from the Police Station Model of Policing. What we need is a Police Force Model. Public should no more be concerned to deal with the Local Police. They should deal with the Police Administration and not the Police Station.

Crime Management involves Centralised activities and a Central Command to deploy or activate remote forces spread all over, without the jurisdictional discomforts. This will not only reduce interference in the Law enforcement and related matters by the local ‘forces’, but also promote a Responsive Administration.

In some parts of the Country, there is no need for a complainant to go to the Police Station. Police will reach a person once SMS/ Net Complaint reaches the Police. In the age of PIL (Public Interest Litigation) being filed across the net with PAN identification, FIR could also be filed across the net or SMS.

How would you like if you have to call the Police Call Centre (Not a Control Room!) and come to know of the progress in the case where you have lodged a complaint? An inbuilt response system would also lead to a very reliable Policing and Crime Management.

More and more technology is being improvised to reduce the human intervention in the cumbersome activities of filing complaints and maintaining the registers all through! This does not mean diluting the legal requirements. Legal pundits could ponder over the issues if any!

Goa being a Model State, could aim at establishing a Modern Police Force, compatible to technology developments and technology requirements.

What we need is a VISION for a BETTER TOMORROW*


A writer, Banker, a Police Traffic Warden, Road Safety Practitioner, former Transport Advisory Committee Member and a Broadcaster.

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